Sunday, November 26, 2006

Re: Net Generations

Long time no post - well if there is anyone out there reading - which I suspect there is not you have probably given up by now.

Well I have some new blog friends so I will have to get back onto it...

Did presemtation at an industry seminar last week called Net Generations. We had a all girl panel which was great. I as talking about User Generated Content and trends for interactivity at the ABC. It was great to get out and talk to other people in the industry. There seemed to be a lot of 'buzz' in the industry about UGC and the potential of Web 2 apps. Maybe a new resurgence in the industry I think - my programmer friends say there is loads of well paid work around.

Also saw a guy called Evan Jones talk, an interactive producer from Canada. They have great budgets for interactives over there. He has done some great projects with really complex layered 'story worlds' as he called them. The best projects were Regenesis and The Fallen

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